Results for "land lot" Homes for sale in Coquitlam, British Columbia
529 LINTON ST - $549900
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 41333 sqft
Built in: 1967
Land value...
WALKER E - $1475000
Home Kind: Single Family members.
Building Kind: House.
Title: Property.
Land Dimension: 20868 sqft.
BRAMBLE LN - $798000
Property Kind: Single Family.
Structure Kind: Residence.
Title: Estate.
Land Dimension: 8807 sqft.
Constructed in:...
DELESTRE AV - $699000
Property Kind: Single Family.
Structure Kind: House.
Title: Estate.
Land Dimension: 8946 sqft.
Integrateded: 1956....
DAYBREAK AV - $649000
Property Kind: Single Family.
Building Type: Residence.
Title: Property.
Land Dimension: 11340 sqft.
2959 NAVY E - $749800
Home Kind: Single Household.
Structure Type: House.
Title: Estate.
Land Dimension: 8675 sqft.
Integrateded: 1969....
2959 NAVY E - $749900
Home Type: Single Family.
Structure Type: House.
Title: Property.
Land Dimension: 8675 sqft.
Integrateded: 1969....
3305 HYDE PARK PL - $753000
Home Type: Single Household.
Structure Kind: Residence.
Title: Freehold.
Land Dimension: 7410 sqft.
870 SADDLE ST - $779000
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 13570 sqft
Built in: 1958
Looking for...
1107 CARTIER AV - $750000
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 10107 sqft
Age Of Building: Old Timer...
2961 COMO LAKE AV - $299900
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 9600 sqft
Built in: 1947
Older 3 bdrm 2...
SORRENTO DR - $1349000
Residential property Kind: Single Household.
Building Kind: Home.
Title: Freehold.
Land Size: 8390 sqft....
1909 EDGEWOOD AV - $998900
Home Kind: Single Family members.
Building Type: Home.
Title: Freehold.
Land Dimension: 8568 sqft.
1909 REDHEAD AV - $669000
Property Kind: Single Household
Building Kind: Residence
Title: Freehold
Land Dimension: 8094 sqft
250 CHESTER CT - $719900
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 18600 sqft
Built in: 1964
Looking for a...
1559 BROADVIEW CT - $920000
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 10641 sqft
Built in: 1960
ROBINSON E - $899000
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Estate
Land Size: 13134 sqft
Age Of Building: Old Timer...
2731 MARA DR - $899900
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 7200 sqft
Built in: 1987
The best view...
931 MERRITT ST - $829900
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 7182 sqft
Built in: 1980
BLUFF DR - $465000
Residential property Type: Single Family.
Structure Type: House.
Title: Strata.
Land Size: 5035 sqft.
Developed in:...
MOSS CT - $858800
Property Kind: Single Household.
Building Type: Home.
Title: Estate.
Land Size: 7416 sqft.
Integrateded: 2000....
KINGFISHER CR - $1098000
Home Kind: Single Household.
Building Kind: Residence.
Title: Property.
Land Dimension: 8750 sqft.
Constructed in:...
317 MOUNTAIN E - $1098000
Home Type: Single Household.
Structure Kind: House.
Title: Freehold.
Land Dimension: 6185.5 sqft.
Built in: 2014....
SEAFORTH CR - $635000
Property Kind: Single Family members.
Structure Kind: House.
Title: Property.
Land Dimension: 9811 sqft.
Age Of...
821 COTTONWOOD AV - $799900
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 10220 sqft
Built in: 1960
1429 JONES AV - $819900
Property Kind: Single Household
Structure Kind: Home
Title: Property
Land Dimension: 7812 sqft
Constructed in: 1972...
1949 FLYNN CR - $408000
Residential property Kind: Single Household.
Structure Type: Home.
Title: Strata.
Land Size: 4208 sqft.
Built in:...
2973 ROBSON DR - $899000
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 9902 sqft
Built in: 1991
ROXTON AV - $1249900
Home Kind: Single Family
Structure Kind: Home
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 8052 sqft
Integrateded: 2009
KAPTEY AV - $669000
Residential property Kind: Single Household.
Structure Type: Home.
Title: Freehold.
Land Size: 8220 sqft....
HARBOUR DR - $779900
Property Kind: Single Household.
Building Type: Home.
Title: Property.
Land Size: 12413 sqft.
Constructed in: 1959....
WATERFORD PL - $769000
Property Type: Single Household.
Structure Kind: House.
Title: Property.
Land Size: 10585 sqft.
Integrateded: 1990....
CHARLAND AV - $725000
Home Type: Single Household.
Building Type: Home.
Title: Property.
Land Dimension: 8970 sqft.
Built in: 1965....
CAMELBACK CT - $1249000
Residential property Type: Single Family.
Structure Kind: Home.
Title: Property.
Land Size: 24757 sqft.
830 LONGLAC ST - $875000
Property Type: Single Family
Building Type: House
Title: Freehold
Land Size: 10195 sqft
Built in: 1967
Very spacious...